中秋 快乐! :D
今晚的月亮特别地圆 特别地亮
似乎 可以用百年难得一见来形容今天的月亮了 :)
刚刚的晚餐竟然有鸭肉呀 .. :P
提灯笼 玩蜡烛
但不需要任何的奢侈品 今天的中秋节依然同样地温馨 :D
似乎 可以用百年难得一见来形容今天的月亮了 :)
刚刚的晚餐竟然有鸭肉呀 .. :P
提灯笼 玩蜡烛
但不需要任何的奢侈品 今天的中秋节依然同样地温馨 :D
918 - 920 :D
YEAH中秋晚会实在太 YEAH了
一从L5的LIF走出来 看到的人潮竟然从楼梯间都厕所都挤满
当天的人数竟然超过1K 只能用OMG!来形容当时的表情 O.O
SANCTUARY里面都爆棚了 MB们都坐在台前地上 爽啊! :-D
虽然当天情绪有段时间很不如意 很多自己小组的都没来到
但呼招的时候 看见许多的人似乎都自愿来到神的面前
接受耶稣成为他们生命唯一的救主 MAT都DAII返咯!
YEAHH BABY! 回想起自己信主的时候 是在A4J
当时是凭着单纯认错的心接受神 也希望这颗心能够继续存在啦
所以我现在相信神是会使用单纯但不天真的人! :)
Well 就算现在已经开学了 但我相信神常与我们同在
相信神会让我们在开学日子中依然那么喜悦 :) ORRHHH baby!!
YEAH中秋晚会实在太 YEAH了
一从L5的LIF走出来 看到的人潮竟然从楼梯间都厕所都挤满
当天的人数竟然超过1K 只能用OMG!来形容当时的表情 O.O
SANCTUARY里面都爆棚了 MB们都坐在台前地上 爽啊! :-D
虽然当天情绪有段时间很不如意 很多自己小组的都没来到
但呼招的时候 看见许多的人似乎都自愿来到神的面前
接受耶稣成为他们生命唯一的救主 MAT都DAII返咯!
YEAHH BABY! 回想起自己信主的时候 是在A4J
当时是凭着单纯认错的心接受神 也希望这颗心能够继续存在啦
所以我现在相信神是会使用单纯但不天真的人! :)
Well 就算现在已经开学了 但我相信神常与我们同在
相信神会让我们在开学日子中依然那么喜悦 :) ORRHHH baby!!
信 望 爱 ;>
刚才情绪突然被拉低 非常地down :[
被猪狗朋友们放完了飞机 害怕如何交代 ..
难道不是我尽力了 所渴望的事就如渴望中的成就吗?
拯救不了外界的 难道连认识的也不能吗
我决定去到神的面前 向神寻求答案
从祷告中 神再次给我了答案
信 有天他们他们必会得着神赐的福
望 总有天看见他们与我一起维生在教会
爱 继续去爱他们 以着神的爱宽恕他们的无知
尽力ed 不就足够了吗? :)
被猪狗朋友们放完了飞机 害怕如何交代 ..
难道不是我尽力了 所渴望的事就如渴望中的成就吗?
拯救不了外界的 难道连认识的也不能吗
我决定去到神的面前 向神寻求答案
从祷告中 神再次给我了答案
信 有天他们他们必会得着神赐的福
望 总有天看见他们与我一起维生在教会
爱 继续去爱他们 以着神的爱宽恕他们的无知
尽力ed 不就足够了吗? :)
相信 Believe!
又临时却被其中一位放了飞机 :/
要看见的是 我所邀请的都会在明天的晚会中出席
在明天的小组中 会尽自己本份
我深知我所相信的 事就如我相信中的为我成就
Tomorrow is the 918 event
Aspects of the gospel is difficult to a friend
Has been one of the temporary non-compliance with commitments: /
But now said to myself that
To see what I will be invited to attend tomorrow evening in the
In tomorrow's team will do its part to
I know what I believe as I believe will achieve
又临时却被其中一位放了飞机 :/
要看见的是 我所邀请的都会在明天的晚会中出席
在明天的小组中 会尽自己本份
我深知我所相信的 事就如我相信中的为我成就
Tomorrow is the 918 event
Aspects of the gospel is difficult to a friend
Has been one of the temporary non-compliance with commitments: /
But now said to myself that
To see what I will be invited to attend tomorrow evening in the
In tomorrow's team will do its part to
I know what I believe as I believe will achieve
摆上一切 All offer [:
都在pasar malam中的街头布道度过 终于都结束了
晚餐都missed了 不知还会不会导致发育不良 xD
可能大家口水都差不多用尽了 身体都快像大厦要倒塌下来了
但我看见唯一不倒的 就是那颗愿意为神摆上一切的心 那颗值得为神发大梦的心 :)
刚才得知明天还须去教会 虽有点不愿意 但是神又让我回想起那熟悉的一句 "你一生的目的必要是 放下一切去寻求神的容面" 重给了我力量! WHOOOSHHH!
Following last Wednesday, thanks to this four consecutive days and then
Pasar malam in street evangelism in the end through the last are
Have missed the dinner will not result in stunting do not know xD
And we may have almost run out of saliva almost like a body building to collapse down
But I see the only non-inverted
God is willing to put all the sinking heart of God is worth sinking heart made a big dream:)
Just learned that tomorrow, although a little reluctant to have to go to church
But God let me recall the familiar one
"The purpose of your life need to seek God is to put down the capacity of all surface"
Regive me strength! WHOOOSHHH!
都在pasar malam中的街头布道度过 终于都结束了
晚餐都missed了 不知还会不会导致发育不良 xD
可能大家口水都差不多用尽了 身体都快像大厦要倒塌下来了
但我看见唯一不倒的 就是那颗愿意为神摆上一切的心 那颗值得为神发大梦的心 :)
刚才得知明天还须去教会 虽有点不愿意 但是神又让我回想起那熟悉的一句 "你一生的目的必要是 放下一切去寻求神的容面" 重给了我力量! WHOOOSHHH!
Following last Wednesday, thanks to this four consecutive days and then
Pasar malam in street evangelism in the end through the last are
Have missed the dinner will not result in stunting do not know xD
And we may have almost run out of saliva almost like a body building to collapse down
But I see the only non-inverted
God is willing to put all the sinking heart of God is worth sinking heart made a big dream:)
Just learned that tomorrow, although a little reluctant to have to go to church
But God let me recall the familiar one
"The purpose of your life need to seek God is to put down the capacity of all surface"
Regive me strength! WHOOOSHHH!
渴望 desire =]
如果是 那该有多好? :]
Thinking of the simple desire to maintain
Hope that the brain can continue with a simple
Desire to be able to carefree living
As baby :]
If this is how wonderful it?:]
如果是 那该有多好? :]
Thinking of the simple desire to maintain
Hope that the brain can continue with a simple
Desire to be able to carefree living
As baby :]
If this is how wonderful it?:]
值得 Deserve! :]
神迹又再次不断地降临在SRI PETALING 这片地上
Omgosh 昨晚的天气乌云到处
原以为这次的街头布道 :"不惦啦.. 搞不成啦 ADUI."
可是神就算在我对他没信心的时候 他照样不令我们失望!
让我们的布道能够继续下去 :)
昨晚的确比上次的累 快没油的时候但回头望一望自己拿到的号码数量
Walao 什么都dei返 那股力量OHHHMM一声回来了
又再次猛踩油门 继续前进, OHYEAHH! :)
Orhman .. 我发觉我越来越爱这位凡事都能的神了 :D
Omgosh 昨晚的天气乌云到处
原以为这次的街头布道 :"不惦啦.. 搞不成啦 ADUI."
可是神就算在我对他没信心的时候 他照样不令我们失望!
让我们的布道能够继续下去 :)
昨晚的确比上次的累 快没油的时候但回头望一望自己拿到的号码数量
Walao 什么都dei返 那股力量OHHHMM一声回来了
又再次猛踩油门 继续前进, OHYEAHH! :)
Orhman .. 我发觉我越来越爱这位凡事都能的神了 :D
Miracles continue to come again this piece of land in SRI PETALING
Omgosh weather clouds around last night
Thought this street evangelism: ".. can this sermon be done? ADUI."
But God even if I have no confidence in him when he still does not disappoint us!
Let's sermons can continue:)
Indeed, up from last night, tired and almost out of gas, but when the number back to get a look at the number of their own
Walao anything was deserve soon as coming back the sense of power OHHHMM
Once again pedal to the metal to move on, OHYEAHH!:)
Orhman .. I found myself more in love with the God of all that :D
Omgosh weather clouds around last night
Thought this street evangelism: ".. can this sermon be done? ADUI."
But God even if I have no confidence in him when he still does not disappoint us!
Let's sermons can continue:)
Indeed, up from last night, tired and almost out of gas, but when the number back to get a look at the number of their own
Walao anything was deserve soon as coming back the sense of power OHHHMM
Once again pedal to the metal to move on, OHYEAHH!:)
Orhman .. I found myself more in love with the God of all that :D
活在当下 Live in the moment :)
感谢主 现在终于都能够真正地体验到
活在当下的滋味 :)
以前认为活在当下的意义说着 无忧无虑地过日子
但现在的我发觉 原来对我来说真正的活在当下是
无论有没有烦恼 烦恼大或小 喜乐或悲伤 只要真正地去珍惜感恩享受拥有当下的日子
那这样的活在当下 的确能带给我喜悦 充实感 :D
Thank God now finally able to truly experience
Taste of living in the moment:)
Previously considered the meaning of living in the moment talking to live carefree
But now I find out for me
Real living in the present is
Trouble with or without joy or sorrow large or small as long as the real treasure to have a moment to enjoy the day of Thanksgiving
That this is indeed living in the present sense of fulfillment can bring me joy: D
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