
值得 Deserve! :]

神迹又再次不断地降临在SRI PETALING 这片地上
Omgosh 昨晚的天气乌云到处
原以为这次的街头布道 :"不惦啦.. 搞不成啦 ADUI."
可是神就算在我对他没信心的时候 他照样不令我们失望!
让我们的布道能够继续下去 :)

昨晚的确比上次的累 快没油的时候但回头望一望自己拿到的号码数量
Walao 什么都dei返 那股力量OHHHMM一声回来了
又再次猛踩油门 继续前进, OHYEAHH! :)

Orhman .. 我发觉我越来越爱这位凡事都能的神了 :D

Miracles continue to come again this piece of land in SRI PETALING
Omgosh weather clouds around last night
Thought this street evangelism: ".. can this sermon be done? ADUI."
But God even if I have no confidence in him when he still does not disappoint us!
Let's sermons can continue:)

Indeed, up from last night, tired and almost out of gas, but when the number back to get a look at the number of their own
Walao anything was deserve soon as coming back the sense of power OHHHMM
Once again pedal to the metal to move on, OHYEAHH!:)

Orhman .. I found myself more in love with the God of all that :D
